April 21, 1973

Dream Scream

Our day bears a Sun, a Moon, and a Morning Star.
And we, in the depth of a green forest,
Are but pools for reflecting their light.
But what of the souls that hold but death,
And drip like tar from tattered lives?
Their dreams are silver teardrops
In the silent wells of Dawn.
Their perfection is our sin...
Our fault is complete.

Deep in the night, our brothers see their lovers
Wage passionate war with poets and painters,
Then sheath golden swords dripping blood
On which the world's young and weak feed.
Behold! The claw holding the key to
Hell's day has been raised in defiance,
While severed is the blessed neck on which
A silver chain held the key to Paradise!

Crazed men... cling ye to each others'
Cold and dead bodies in fear of the warm breath
Sinking close against the walls of your souls?
Only with the beasts of the field does peace lie,
For the lust of man has torn Love from his heart.
The snakes of the grass are his companions;
Their fangs eat the food of the poor
And drink the wine of the holy.

Still so many words lie deep in sleep,
Couched on the lips and yet unsaid,
'Till time shall wake them from the tongue,
Or need may speak them heart to heart.
Oh feel as your own this great unrest,
That the word were lost before it escaped
To the ears of the children of the world.

If only we knew our time
And the revelations of our dreams.
Our dreams, whose visions hold
The waking and sleeping of time.
Now see the stars torn from the sky,
Before the Moon gives us two seconds more.
Ten seconds are dead and scattered on the wind,
Declaring in the voice of a child that God is dead.

Now Jupiter screams
through his blankets of clouds
That Venus never had it so good,
While we fly across the night sky
And tumble to our death
Upon the open country road below.

So much peace and love surrounds our life,
That there is no time or place to contemplate
Upon the ravages of war or strife, as we can see
Who are not blind to the red light of sunset.

By some freak of the imagination we have built a custom-made hell,
But the angels are treating us with love and compassion.
We have all we need except sanity and peace of mind
For our elders consider them optional and unnecessary.

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