November 12, 1974

The Flower

Through the long winter night
   lay a seed beneath the snow.
It was hidden from our sight;
   where it lay we did not know.
It was waiting for the sunshine,
   to awaken it from sleep.
It was hoping for the springtime
   to arouse the forest deep.

Then one day when all were sleeping,
   like a thief, without a sound,
Came the Spring so gently creeping,
   and it warmed the frozen ground.
Soon the forest shook with thunder
   as the winds began to blow
And the earth was filled with wonder
   as the seed began to grow.

Now the song that I am singing
   is it true or just a lie?
And the message I am bringing,
   does it make you wonder why?
No-one ever saw that flower,
   so you ask me is it true?
You must search with all your power
   'cause it all depends on you.

In the garden of great splendor,
   a new flower has been born.
And before its leaves so tender
   every rose is but a thorn.
Come, arise to seek that flower
   and inhale its sweet perfume.
There we will await the hour
   when its time has come to bloom.

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