March 16, 1976

The teacher of my soul

The teacher of my soul is a robin.
She sings sweet songs to my heart.
All my life I've loved that robin,
Who opens my mind and lets in light,
Bringing understanding and mystery out.

Oh teacher, teach me not through words,
   And empty phrases in the air,
But lead me rather forth with love,
   That we might find all knowledge there.

An act of love, a smile, or so
   Is what will bring my reason forth,
And make me want to learn and grow.
   And when we go together thus,
The winds of understanding blow.

So soften face, and kindness, eyes.
Within each heart, a pearl there lies.
We all have pearls, for we are one,
And pearls can dance and sing in fun.

So open doors,
   break down the wall,
And smile your love;
   be one with all.

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