April 16, 1983

A True Story

A long time ago in a far-away land, there lived a young girl. She was a very happy child, for everything her heart desired was hers for the asking.

One day, a mysterious traveler visited her home and told her tales of strange and wonderful places, many leagues across the sea. From that time on, she was never at peace, for she knew that some day she too would journey forth to see what no eye had yet known.

Then came the terrible storm which destroyed her home, scattered her family and left her alone in the world to seek her destiny. For many years she traveled, and many sights she saw, but no where did she find her heart's desire.

'Till one night, footsore and hungry, she stumbled upon a small cottage at the edge of a forest. The kind old man who lived there invited her in and bade her rest by the fire and partake of his simple meal.

She slept that night as she had never slept before, and awoke refreshed at the break of dawn. The fire was still burning and food was on the table, but the old man was nowhere to be seen.

She searched high and low and called out in vain. At last she found a note nailed to the door, which read:
"Welcome home, my daughter. Now I must journey on."

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