October 3, 2005

Seville Statement on Violence

The following statement was drafted by leading scientists from around the world, gathered in Seville, Spain, during the UN International Year for Peace in 1986. The scientific arguments are based on evolution, genetics, animal behavior, brain research and social psychology. I am including it in my blog because I feel it deserves broad dissemination and careful consideration by all.

Believing that it is our responsibility to address from our particular disciplines the most dangerous and destructive activities of our species, violence and war; recognizing that science is a human cultural product which cannot be definitive or all-encompassing; and gratefully acknowledging the support of the authorities of Seville and representatives of the Spanish UNESCO;

we, the undersigned scholars from around the world and from relevant sciences, have met and arrived at the following Statement on Violence. In it, we challenge a number of alleged biological findings that have been used, even by some in our disciplines, to justify violence and war. Because the alleged findings have contributed to an atmosphere of pessimism in our time, we submit that the open, considered rejection of these misstatements can contribute significantly to the International Year of Peace.

Misuse of scientific theories and data to justify violence and war is not new but has been made since the advent of modern science. For example, the theory of evolution has been used to justify not only war, but also genocide, colonialism, and suppression of the weak.

We state our position in the form of five propositions. We are aware that there are many other issues about violence and war that could be fruitfully addressed from the standpoint of our disciplines, but we restrict ourselves here to what we consider a most important first step.

1. IT IS SCIENTIFICALLY INCORRECT to say that we have inherited a tendency to make war from our animal ancestors. Although fighting occurs widely throughout animal species, only a few cases of destructive intra-species fighting between organized groups have ever been reported among naturally living species, and none of these involve the use of tools designed to be weapons. Normal predatory feeding upon other species cannot be equated with intra-species violence. Warfare is a peculiarly human phenomenon and does not occur in other animals.

The fact that warfare has changed so radically over time indicates that it is a product of culture. Its biological connection is primarily through language which makes possible the co-ordination of groups, the transmission of technology, and the use of tools. War is biologically possible, but it is not inevitable, as evidenced by its variation in occurrence and nature over time and space. There are cultures which have not engaged in war for centuries, and there are cultures which have engaged in war frequently at some times and not at others.

2. IT IS SCIENTIFICALLY INCORRECT to say that war or any other violent behaviour is genetically programmed into our human nature. While genes are involved at all levels of nervous system function, they provide a developmental potential that can be actualized only in conjunction with the ecological and social environment. While individuals vary in their predispositions to be affected by their experience, it is the interaction between their genetic endowment and conditions of nurturance that determines their personalities. Except for rare pathologies, genes do not produce individuals necessarily predisposed to violence. Neither do they determine the opposite. While genes are co-involved in establishing our behavioural capacities, they do not by themselves specify the outcome.

3. IT IS SCIENTIFICALLY INCORRECT to say that in the course of human evolution there has been a selection for aggressive behaviour more than for other kinds of behaviour. In all well-studied species, status within the group is achieved by the ability to co-operate and to fulfil social functions relevant to the structure of that group. 'Dominance' involves social bindings and affiliations; it is not simply a matter of the possession and use of superior physical power, although it does involve aggressive behaviours. Where genetic selection for aggressive behaviour has been artificially induced in animals, it has rapidly succeeded in producing hyper-aggressive individuals. This indicates that aggression was not maximally selected under natural conditions. When such experimentally-created hyper-aggressive animals are present in a social group, they either disrupt its social structure or are driven out. Violence is neither in our evolutionary legacy nor in our genes.

4. IT IS SCIENTIFICALLY INCORRECT to say that humans have a 'violent brain'. While we do have the neural apparatus to act violently, it is not automatically activated by internal or external stimuli. Like higher primates and unlike other animals, our higher neural processes filter such stimuli before they can be acted upon. How we act is shaped by how we have been conditioned and socialized. There is nothing in our neurophysiology that compels us to react violently.

5. IT IS SCIENTIFICALLY INCORRECT to say that war is caused by 'instinct' or any single motivation. The emergence of modern warfare has been a journey from the primacy of emotional and motivational factors, sometimes called 'instincts', to the primacy of cognitive factors. Modern war involves institutional use of personal characteristics such as obedience, suggestibility, and idealism, social skills such as language, and rational considerations such as cost-calculation, planning, and information processing. The technology of modern war has exaggerated traits associated with violence both in the training of actual combatants and in the preparation of support for war in the general population. As a result of this exaggeration, such traits are often mistaken to be the causes rather than the consequences of the process.

We conclude that biology does not condemn humanity to war, and that humanity can be freed from the bondage of biological pessimism and empowered with confidence to undertake the transformative tasks needed in this International Year of Peace and in the years to come. Although these tasks are mainly institutional and collective, they also rest upon the consciousness of individual participants for whom pessimism and optimism are crucial factors. Just as 'wars begin in the minds of men', peace also begins in our minds. The same species who invented war is capable of inventing peace. The responsibility lies with each of us.

Seville, 16 May 1986

Scientists who wrote the Seville Statement on Violence:

David Adams, Psychology, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT., U.S.A.

S.A. Barnett, Ethology, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

N.P. Bechtereva, Neurophysiology, Institute for Experimental Medicine of Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad, U.S.S.R.

Bonnie Frank Carter, Psychology, Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia (PA), U.S.A.

José M. Rodriguez Delgado, Neurophysiology, Centro de Estudios Neurobiologicos, Madrid, Spain

José Luis Diaz, Ethology, Instituto Mexicano de Psiquiatria, Mexico D.F., Mexico

Andrzej Eliasz, Individual Differences Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

Santiago Genovés, Biological Anthropology, Instituto de Estudios Antropologicos, Mexico D.F., Mexico

Benson E. Ginsburg, Behavior Genetics, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT., U.S.A.

Jo Groebel, Social Psychology, Erziehungswissenschaftliche Hochschule, Landau, Federal Republic of Germany

Samir-Kumar Ghosh, Sociology, Indian Institute of Human Sciences, Calcutta, India

Robert Hinde, Animal Behaviour, Cambridge University, Cambridge, U.K.

Richard E. Leakey, Physical Anthropology, National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya

Taha H. Malasi, Psychiatry, Kuwait University, Kuwait

J. Martin Ramirez, Psychobiology, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Biochemistry, Universidad Autonoma, Madrid, Spain

Diana L. Mendoza, Ethology, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

Ashis Nandy, Political Psychology, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi, India

John Paul Scott, Animal Behavior, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH., U.S.A.

Riitta Wahlstrom, Psychology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland


American Anthropological Association
American Association for Counseling and Development
American Psychological Association
American Orthopsychiatric Association
American Sociological Association
Americans for the University of Unesco
Anurrrat Vishra Bharati (Global Organization)
Associacion Peruana de Estudios e Investigación para la Paz
Association for Humanistic Education and Development (US)
Association of African Women for Research and Development
California State Psychological Association
Canadian Psychologists for Social Responsibility
Community of the Peace People (1976 Nobel Peace Prize)(Northern Ireland)
Czechoslovak Unesco Commission
Danish Psychological Association
Danish Unesco Committee
Honduras National Spiritual Assembly of Baha'i
International Association of Educators for World Peace
International Council of Psychologists
International Society for Research on Aggression - Commission on Violence
Italian National Unesco Commission
Laboratory of Education for Peace (Greece)
Medical Association for Prevention of War (UK)
Mexican Association for Biological Anthropology
Minnesota Psychological Association
Movimento por la Vida y la Paz (Argentina)
New York State Psychological Association
New Zealand Psychological Society
Norwegian Unesco Commission
Open International University for Complementary Medicines
Polish Academy of Sciences
Psychologer for Fred (Norway)
Psychologists for Social Responsibility (US)
Society for Psychological Study of Social Issues (US)
Spanish Unesco Commission
University of Montreal Department of Psychiatry
Veterans for Peace
West Virginia Psychological Association
World Federalist Association (US)
Yamoussoukro International Congress on Peace in the Minds of Men

American Political Science Association
Arab Writers Union
Associación de Estudios Bahá'ís--Chile
Association for Counselor Education and Development (US)
Association for Humanistic Psychology (US)
Association for World Education
Baha'i International Community
Canadian Psychological Association Section on Social Responsibility
Consortium on Peace Research, Education and Development (US)
Contemporary Trends in Development of Psychology (book) (China)
Finnish Psychological Association
Finnish Peace Research Association
Greek Pedagogical Association
Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation (US)
International Peace Research Association
International Political Science Association Peace and Conflict Committee
International Social Science Council
International Society for Comparative Psychology
International Society for Human Ethology
International Studies Association
International Union for Psychological Sciences Peace Committee
Japanese Psychologists for Peace
Japanese Research Association of Psychological Science
Mouvement Universel de la Responsabilité Scientifique (France)
New Zealand Council for Educational Research
Norwegian Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War
Norwegian Psychological Association
Peace Education Institute (Finland)
Permanent National Commission of Education for Peace, Ministry of Education (Peru)
Scientist Against Nuclear Arms (Australia)
Shanti Ashram (India)
Tampere Peace Research Institute (Finland)
USSR Academy of Sciences (Psychology)
World Association for Orphans and Abandoned Children
World Goodwill Newsletter

For further information, see:

UNESCO Brochure

Progress Report

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