June 21, 2003

Divine Assistance

Some complain that good and bad seem to happen randomly to good and bad people. They should define good and bad, in terms of people and events. What I mean is that we are each somewhere along the process of becoming all we can be, which I believe is the purpose of life in this world and the worlds to come. Often what we wouldn't choose for ourselves is the best thing for us in our development, and what we would choose is bad for us. Sometimes we need to go through sickness, poverty, trials, and difficulties in order to evolve our hidden inner potential. Those who don't are not necessarily better off because of it.

I have also seen in my own life that God desires what is best for us at all times, whether we like it or not. When I have needed to learn gratitude, He has placed me in the lap of luxury; when I have had to learn to trust fully in Him, He has put me in situations where there is no other alternative; and when I have needed to learn perseverance and endurance, He has kept the object of my longing just beyond my reach. Not that we always get what we need without making an effort to receive it. The low-hanging fruit is always there, just above our heads, but we must reach up our hands to take it. That is what prayer is all about, although I have also learned the hard way to be careful what I pray for. Nothing comes without a price, like the case of the woman who prayed for patience and got quintuplets!

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