March 21, 1979

Sat I upon the Moon

Sat I upon the moon one night,
   and I looked to the earth below.
Saw that his beard was turning white,
   and moss from his cheeks did grow.
Mantle of black over his back,
   his cloths they were muddy and old.
Blind were his eyes, gone his disguise;
   his hands they were clammy and cold.

Sat I upon the moon that night
   and I looked to the sun above.
Saw how his face was shining bright
   and his smile was alive with love.
City of gold, a sight to behold,
   and morning had just begun.
Raised he his voice, "Creation, rejoice!"
   the father called out to his son:
"Come, my child, the night is cold,
   your body is growing numb!
Run my child, be swift, be bold,
   the best is about to come!
Tear the clouds from before your eyes,
   and see that before you I stand!
Look at how the old the old world dies;
   spread new life upon the land!"
Sat I upon the moon one night,
   and I looked to the earth below.
Saw how his clothes were shining white,
   and his face had a radiant glow.
Mantle of gold, a sight to behold,
   a new day had just begun.
Raised he his voice, "Creation, rejoice,
   for heaven and earth are one!"
So come my child, the night is cold,
   your body is growing numb!
Run my child, be swift, be bold,
   the best is about to come!
Tear the clouds from before your eyes,
   and see that before you I stand!
Look at how the old the old world dies;
   spread new life upon the land!

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